This HGTV Star Probably Won’t Have Too Many Decor Options In Jail
He's sentenced to four years in jail.
He's sentenced to four years in jail.
* Looking for the 1Love of your life? There's a dating app for lawyers, apparently. [ABA Journal] * DOJ report shows jail reform suffers from arrested development. [Reuters] * Hey Con Law Profs, new First Amendment hypo: Teacher resigns after school tells him to remove Pride flag from classroom. [NBC News] * Poll shows less than 40% of white parents want their children taught accurate history in schools. [USA Today] * New Biden mandate attempting to vaccinate around 100 million Americans. Expect to see an increase in "Give me Liberty, or give me Unemployment!" stickers. [AP News]
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Without proper planning, follow through, and training, the First Step Act is doomed to fail.
The judge found he 'willfully failed to pay his fine.'
Is putting approximately 500 people charged with crimes back on the street risky? Maybe, but not as risky as prosecutors and police fear.
If we acknowledge that drug addiction is a brain problem and not a criminal act, is it fair to incarcerate people who relapse?
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Why did someone with such a successful legal career throw it all away?
Now we come to the (legal) conclusion of his tale.
He allegedly told the arresting agent, “My life is over.”
* The Super Bowl is coming up, try to stay out of jail. [Versus Texas] * In their great new legal podcast, Dan Epps and Ian Samuel take a deep dive into Judge Gorsuch's decisions and judicial philosophy. [First Mondays] * Making sense of the Trump Administration's legal maneuvers surrounding the immigration executive order. [Slate] * My body, everyone else around me's choice. [Jezebel] * Judge Gorsuch's past includes "Fascism Forever." [Salon] * The $500 million judgment against Oculus VR (now owned by Facebook). [Law and More] * A primer on how the Dems should react to Gorsuch's nomination. [Washington Post] * J. Crew's legal fight. [The Fashion Law]
Recent CounselLink upgrades integrate the full in-house workflow with the broader suite of LexisNexis products.
* Are vacancies on the federal judiciary causing a crisis in North Carolina? It does have the longest-running hole on the federal bench. [Raleigh News Observer] * Jodi Arias is planning a wedding from prison. I don't know you guys, I think those crazy kids might just make it. [Law and More] * If racism and the death penalty can never be separated, is the only just move to eliminate the death penalty? [Slate] * More revelations in the stomach-turning Sandusky case. Who at Penn State knew what when? [Lawyers, Guns and Money] * An analysis of cases where federal clemency has been granted that identifies trends in President Obama's decisions. [LinkedIn]
* A harrowing tale of regret from a former juror who sentenced a man to death for his crimes. [The Marshall Project] * I guess tears and apologies weren't enough: Michael Eakin has resigned from the Pennsylvania bench for sending racy emails on the job. [Penn Live] * Disappointing news for proponents of cameras in the courtroom. The Judicial Conference of the U.S. voted against expanding the pilot program testing cameras in federal courts. [Fix the Court] * Breaking news: student debt causes stress in law students. Film at 11. [Chronicle of Higher Education] * The latest filing in the Paramount/Star Trek fan film copyright case is a treasure trove of all the Trekkie trivia anyone could possibly ask for. [Slate] * As much as liberals may dream about this, actually prosecuting a case against Donald Trump for inciting a riot would be legally difficult to prove. [Law Newz] * The struggles is real! It is hard to do things that we know are good for us, especially amid the crazy schedule most lawyers keep. [Forbes] * Jane Sanders tweeted about the horrific condition found in the jail tent city created by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. I guess she wasn't broken up when Sheriff Joe endorsed someone other than her husband for president. [The Slot]
* Perhaps this means the return of cool Hillary. [The Slot] * Yes, you can laugh at the Supreme Court. [Bloomberg View] * Deflategate oral arguments happened. Prognosticators are prognosticating that Tom Brady may indeed have to sit out some games. [Lawyers, Guns and Money] * Yeaaaah, you aren't supposed to do that. Lab tech faked results, and now 2,100 criminal convictions are up for review due to the impropriety. [NJ.com] * Multitasking -- and not looking like an ass in the process -- is a real art form. [Daily Lawyer Tips] * Why is no one talking about how progressive Hillary's tax plan really is? [Slate] * Yeah, Donald Trump is still TOTALLY into war crimes. [Huffington Post]
* Let’s just call this flattery and be done with it -- a UK brand of lingerie has launched a new design named after Amal Clooney. [Legal Cheek] * A law professor dives into the most popular forms of tax evasion. [Huffington Post] * A new, fast, and cheap way to sequence DNA has sparked a legal battle, because of course it did. [Science Magazine] * What’s going to happen when solitary confinement is abolished? [Pacific Standard] * Ah-mahzing. An intrepid New Yorker made their own license plate, but no, it is not legal. [Slate] * Everything you ever wanted to know about the philosophical underpinnings of House of Cards. [Wisecrack]
* The secret career Ted Cruz doesn’t want you to know about. [Gawker] * Donald Trump is promising to come after the First Amendment if elected president. Reason number 1,238,108 to do everything in our power to make sure he is never president. [CNN] * Bad news for Republicans: history is not on your side. The latest number crunching you can cite at cocktail parties when the topic of the Supreme Court’s vacancy comes up. [Washington Post] * Hoverboards, scooters, and bikes -- oh my! Do you know all the laws governing use of these leisure vehicles (at least in New York)? [Cityland] * Hey! Whaddya know! Gun law really do work -- it’s science. [Vox] * A judge in the UK changed a suspended sentence into jail time after she was mocked by the defendants on Facebook in a lewd post. Just a reminder, no matter what Donald Trump does, you really shouldn't f*ck with judges. [The Mirror] * Lawyers need these two things in order to be successful. [Associate’s Mind] * This is why having the right language interpreter is so important in court. [Katz Justice] * Expect Justice Scalia’s passing to have a pretty big impact on business, as the Roberts Court, with Justice Scalia, was the most pro-business court since WW2. [New Yorker]